Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ceremonial Barge, Bangkok, Thailand

How to Sail in Style in Old-Time Bangkok

I was just wandering down by the river in Bangkok, Thailand one day, minding my own business. I do that, just wander in new cities. Sometimes I just get hot and tired and hungry - go figure - but more often than not, I stumble upon something wonderful that I never otherwise would have known was there. This was one of those times.

River scene Bangkok Thailand

Along the river, I noticed many homes built on stilts. I was surprised that people actually lived in houses like that so near the city center. They were doing their wash and so forth in the river - a river that flows right through the heart of Bangkock.  Try that in the East River of New York City and your clothes would probably disintegrate.

River scene Bangkok Thailand

Just walking along, I stumbled on this boat house that didn't look like anything special. There was nobody around, it wasn't fully enclosed, just a bunch of boats sitting there. To be fair, it is probably in all the tourist books, though it sure wasn't in mine. This was a long time ago, so who knows if it is still there, or you have to pay admission now, and so forth. I just walked right in.

Ceremonial barges Bangkok Thailand

Somewhat startled, I took a few pictures. You can see one with what looks like a cannon sticking out from under the god.  I'm sure there is something deeply symbolic about it all, and that this was the height of luxury whenever it was from, but I was just struck by how ornate and colorful it was. What made it most special to me, though, was simply stumbling upon a treasure by happenstance. That's why I wander off. Since people in general don't get that sort of curiousness, usually I am better off travelling alone, which I think is better for all concerned.

Ceremonial barges Bangkock Thailand

Ceremonial barges Bangkock Thailand

Ceremonial barges Bangkock Thailand

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